Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Week 5 Research about the PIC schematic (12/3/2014)

Title          : Research about the component and device

Objective  : 1)  select only the relevant component  and device

                   2) purchase component and device according to research done.

                   3) to explore the usage of component and its.

                   4) to learn the function and capability of PIC 16f877A

Content    :  1)  discussion with supervisor about PIC 16f877A  and study about PIC.

                   2 ) to design PIC schematic use multisim.

                   3 ) research the component is below:

              1. SENSOR MQ2


3. PIC 16F877A



6. LED


Saturday, May 3, 2014

week 4 Study to about Program Micro controller (5/3/2014)

Title:    Study about Program Microcontroller

Objective :  Explanation with Supervisor about hons  to program Micro controller using PICC complier.

Content :     Discussion about step for program Microcontroller

                  1) open PICC complier

                   2) open new file

                   3) save as new file the new file that we save, will have extension C.c eig Filling C)
                   4) write down the program

                   5) after write program, windows will be like below.

                   6) compile the program with click compiler on f9 button.


                 7) compile process as bellow.


8) after compile, dose the PICC compile  and open the program.

9) open the file that we create using PICC  compile.

10) it will look like below.

11) connect the download board port rack click download as illustrated below. 


week 3 Final Year Project briefing 1 (28/2/2014)

Title :     Final year project  briefing by committee.

Objective:  Explanation regarding final year project.

Content  : Discussion about FYP2

                 :week 14 presentation  FYP2

                 : Carry mark  for new  scheme work.

                   - Blog/ poster 20%

                   -presentation 40%

                   - report 40%

week 2 research about the software used for the project (19/2/014)

Title: Research about the software used for the project.

Objective : To apply the software for interfacing point.

Content   :  Research on the suitable software or language that will be used,

               :  Research on the software that easy simple.

               :  Prefer to use C language or JAL to program the IC or microcontroller.

               : In design the circuit, the prefer to use Proteus software.

week 1 final year project titles the same but modified ( 12/2/2014)

Title : final year project titles the same but modified  project

Objective: 1) to look for the final project title

                 2) modified the project so much better than its predecessor

Content  : Discussion with project supervisor regarding project title.

              :This project dramatically  improved further with him for LCD function detected when there is fire                   where we known the level which mold be burned.

              : Discussion with project supervisor about block diagram.

              : Doing same comparison with previous final project.

              :Study the flow of the system from previous project.

               This block diagram 

LCD : function the LCD is to notify in the event of a fire in a building that has a high level.

Buzzer :   function for buzzer is telling a fire, the buzzer will sound.

LED  : Function for LED is flashing when the lights of fire.