Monday, June 9, 2014

week 9 and study about micro controller PIC 16f8777A ( 10/4/2014)

Title        : research and study about micro controller PIC 16f8777A, and show close                         supervisor of the circuit used in this project.

Objective : 1) to learn the function and capability of micro controller.

                  2) t explore the usage of component and its performance.

Content    : 1) study about the micro controller PIC16f877A.

                   2) the are 33 input output pin that are user configured on a pin to pin basic                            available for general  purpose.

                   3) PIC 16f877A  has a 40 pin consisting of two parties namely:
                                  1) power supply- the project uses 12 volts for the adapter, 5 volt                                        for LCD function
                                  2) reset
                                  4)4 input-output ports- is divided into port A,B.C, and D. this                                              project uses many ports A, b, and D. a is connected to a sensor                                        port, and port D are connected to the relay, and the port B is                                            connected to a 16x 2  LCD.

                 4) PIC 16f877A this function to control of circuit, when sensor detect smoke /                      gas data will be sent to the LCD

                     5) this is a picture of a peach circuit used.


                 6) this project is a picture of the circuit used:


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