Monday, June 9, 2014

week 6 Research about the sensor ( 19/3/2014)

Title            :     Research about the sensor

Objective   :    1) to know the function and system of sensor.

                       2) to explore the usage application and capability of sensor.

Content      :    1) look in Wikipedia about the sensor.

                       2) the application of the sensor is found to be in the circuit.

                       3) look for datasheet.

                       4) look for availability in Malaysia

                       5) sensor : a function to detect smoke and gas, and from there he will                                  function, then project it will transfer to the PIC

                       6)  gas sensor are available in wide specification depending on the                                         sensitivity levels, type of gas to be sensed, physical dimensions and                                    numerous other factor.

                       7) gas sensor are very important part of such system, small like a nose,                                gas sensor spontaneously react to the gas present, thus keeping the                                  system updated about any alterations that occur in the concentration of                             molecules at gaseous state.

                       8)  this for circuit of sensor MQ2

week 7 :research about the function relay (26/3/2014)

Title         : :research about the function relay.

Objective  : 1) to know the function and system of relay.

                 2) to explore the usage application and capability of relay.

Content    : 1) look in Wikipedia about the relay

                  2) the application of the relay is found to be place in the circuit.

                  3) look for data sheet.

                  4) look for availability in Malaysia.

                  5) relay are used where it is necessary to control a circuit by a low- power                             signal(with complete electric isolation between control and controlled                               circuits), or where several circuits must be controlled by one signal.

                  6) relay control power circuit with no moving  parts, incited using a                                       semiconductor device to perform switching.

                  7) this is relay and circuit relay


week 8 research about the LCD ( 2/4/2014)

Title          : research about the LCD

Objective : 1) took look for suitable type of LCD to be used on the project.

                 2) to learn the function of used for the LCD.

Content   : 1) research about the suitable LCD that need to be use the project.

                 2) look Wikipedia about the LCD.

                 3) look the datasheet.
                 4) for this project , most of the LCD port B.

                 5)the function  LCD to display any level of fire, the LCD can be analog signal                     from the PIC.

                 6) a LCD 16x2 means it can display 16 characters per line and there are 2                            such lines.In this  LCD each character is displayed in 5x7 matrix.


week 9 and study about micro controller PIC 16f8777A ( 10/4/2014)

Title        : research and study about micro controller PIC 16f8777A, and show close                         supervisor of the circuit used in this project.

Objective : 1) to learn the function and capability of micro controller.

                  2) t explore the usage of component and its performance.

Content    : 1) study about the micro controller PIC16f877A.

                   2) the are 33 input output pin that are user configured on a pin to pin basic                            available for general  purpose.

                   3) PIC 16f877A  has a 40 pin consisting of two parties namely:
                                  1) power supply- the project uses 12 volts for the adapter, 5 volt                                        for LCD function
                                  2) reset
                                  4)4 input-output ports- is divided into port A,B.C, and D. this                                              project uses many ports A, b, and D. a is connected to a sensor                                        port, and port D are connected to the relay, and the port B is                                            connected to a 16x 2  LCD.

                 4) PIC 16f877A this function to control of circuit, when sensor detect smoke /                      gas data will be sent to the LCD

                     5) this is a picture of a peach circuit used.


                 6) this project is a picture of the circuit used:


week 10 construct, inching and soldering the circuit (17/4/2014)

Title        : construct ,inching and soldering the circuit.

Objective : 1) construct the circuit has identified.

                 2) construct use PCB board.

                 3) soldering the circuit after construct.

Content     : 1) print the circuit and attach at PCB board using iron.

                   2) Inching the PCB board.

                  3) drill a hole at PCB board.

                  4) soldering the component at PCB board.

                                                            figure 1 : tools

                                                        figure 2: inching PCB board


figure 3: PCB board after complete inching.

figure 4 : drill a hole at PCB board.

week 11 to install the PIC circuit PCB board (24/4/2014)

Title        : how to install the PIC circuit PCB board.

Objective : 1) provide component used is the circuit PIC.

                  2) to explore the usage of component and its performance.

                  3) PIC circuit to install component according to existing step.

                  4) PIC circuit  is important in this project, because this track is playing on all                         circuit.

Content   :  Step 1-enter ic socket and 2 1kohm resistor unit.

Step2-enter 20Mhz oscillator 18pf capacitor and 2 units

                                       Step3-enter 2 units 0.1uf capacitor

                                      Step4-enter the 7805 voltage regulator

                      Step 5-Put a pin header for 12V and 5V 0V  12V 5Volt

circuit is done

week 12 find do a cording c programming ( 2/5/2014)

Title           : find do a cording c programming

Objective  :  1) to study about programming concept.

                    2) to design the cording system for the project.

Content     :  1) install the c language(programming) software.

                    2) study and discuss about the project and program.

                    3) connect project to pc(computer).

                    4) look for serial port.

                    5) open the programming software.

                    6) clicks tool and click serial port.

                     7) write down the cording and upload.
                    8) connect lcd circuit to software program.

                    9)  run circuit and take the result.

                   10) this is run program successful.

week 13 completed for prototype and previva with supervisor ( 9/5/2014)

Title          : troubleshoot of  project completed for prototype

Objective :  1) troubleshoot of project.

                   2) completed for the prototype.

                   3) viva project with supervisor.

Content  :    1) troubleshoot for lcd, because not fire, so the program does not become. conclusions we                            burn ic  the project again and the program.

                   2) completed prototype, we use only the first prototype ever, so do we use the red wrna                                  board.


                                                                     before project


                                                                        after project

                 3) presents the project to the supervisors. This project describes the function and the demo                               once to supervisor.

week 14 completed poster and industry day( presentation final year project 2) (16/5/2014)

Title           : completed poster and industry day( presentation final year project 2).

Objective  : 1) to do completed the poster final year project.

                   2) study and discuss with supervisor about the poster.

                   3) study about function and program project.

Content    :  completed poster.

completed the poster about project

industry day and presentation fyp 2

present and demo about project with assessor madam Amalia and  from sir industry .

 Q & A with acessor

week 15 Produce about gantt chart fyp 2 (22/5/2014)

Title           : Produce about gnat chart fyp 2

Objective  : 1) completed about gantt chat.

                   2) completed blog fyp.

Content    : 1) Project planning is about the time that we planned to complete the task of our project. Below                       is our Project Gantt Chart where we plan to do this project from the beginning of the process                       until the end of the process.


gantt chat fyp 2

completed blog fyp from week 1 to until week 15, submit report and done